Sunday, February 24, 2013

Insect Algebra

My boy, Caleb, is a five year old entomolog-... an etymol-... enty-... he's a bug expert.

Recently (in this post right here), I told you about his observation on bees. Here's a chat we had not long ago showing more of his knowledge of insects, and also of math:

Caleb: Dad, what's four plus four?

Me: Eight.

Caleb: What's a hundred plus a hundred?

Me: Two hundred.

Caleb: O-Kaaay. How about... a bug plus a bug?

Me: Hmmm. Two bugs?

Caleb: Nope!

Me: Alright, Mr. Smarty Pants. What is a bug plus a bug?

Caleb: A double bug.

He really got me with that one. I should have thought through it more carefully before giving my answer. And this is one more piece of proof (in Caleb's mind, at least) that I'm not as smart as I think I am, and he's a genius on all kinds of stuff.


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  1. It amazes me the way kids think. My girls are working on perfecting the "witty comeback" and the "snappy one-liners."

    1. Oh, I hear ya, Heather. We have three girls here who carefully study those arts.

  2. Please tell me it was a double bug that was 50 feet tall and could shoot lasers out of its eyes!
    What? It could happen...

    1. No, Guap. We were only doing addition. The gigantic mutant nuclear-powered double bug from outer space is what you get when you multiply a bug times a bug (also called a bug squared).
